AI Security AI Application Layer

Artificial Intelligence Security on Artificial Intelligence Application Layer is security applied specifically to the application layer of an artificial intelligence system

  1. SQURA SecureAI

SQURA SecureAI is a security solution that protects AI-based systems during execution or runtime. In general, this name refers to a set of tools and technologies that ensure that AI models and the applications that run them are safe from threats, such as code injection attacks or data poisoning, that can occur during model operationalization. This technology monitors and protects AI processes in real-time, automatically detects and responds to threats, and maintains the integrity of AI models to keep them secure and functioning as intended.

  1. SQURA AdoptAI

SQURA AdoptAI is a security solution that supports the safe adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) applications in every customer's business process. This reduces the risk of leaking sensitive corporate data when using GenAI applications to make daily work easier, as well as enabling detailed access control and data management. A simple example is using GenAI to help create an enterprise GenAI. Another example is using GenAI to help take meeting notes (MoM) during a meeting.

Overall, AI Security pada AI Application Layer focuses on protecting AI applications from various threats that can affect the reliability, security and integrity of the results produced. This includes everything from protecting user data to ensuring that AI models remain safe from external manipulation and attacks. Strong security at this layer is critical to maintaining user trust and minimizing the risks associated with deploying AI in a variety of business and industrial applications.

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