Access Deka Box using S3 Browser
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This section describes how to access your object storage using the S3 browser. Before you can access it, you need to download and install S3 Browser on your computer.
S3 Browser is a Windows application that is used as S3 client to access files stored in buckets and allows to management S3 storage settings. You can upload, download and delete files, create folders, and perform other file management operations without using a web browser. Moreover, you can change options such as bucket policy, logging settings, manage users, edit permissions, and bucket sharing options.
If you already have S3 browser installed on your computer, follow these steps to access your object storage using S3 browser.
Open the S3 browser on your computer.
It will show the window to Add New Account, fill the fields:
Display Name
Your display name.
Account type
Choose S3 Compatible Storage.
REST Endpoint
Can be seen on the tab Overview of Deka Box Details page on the S3 line of the URL.
Access Key ID
Your Access Key ID.
Secret Access Key
Your Secret Access Key.
If all fields are filled in, click the Add New Account button.
Now you can access your bucket.