Create Deka ROCK
Last updated
Last updated
Here are the steps to make Deka ROCK:
On the Cloudeka portal service page, select Platform, then click the Deka ROCK menu.
Click the Create Deka ROCK button.
Fill out the Create Deka ROCK form.
The name of Deka ROCK project to be created
Opensift version used.
Zone available to cluster.
Select Flavor
Spesification options for CPU and Memory size to use.
IP address to use.
Spesification options for CPU and Memory size to use.
Check the terms and conditions to make Deka ROCK. Click the Create button to create Deka ROCK.
Wait until the process completes until the Status column change to Created. A notification “Openshift [project-name] has been successfully created that was Deka ROCK successfully created.
A notification “Openshift [project-name] has been successfully created that was Deka ROCK successfully created.