Storage Disk
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To monitor disk storage space usage on the system. There are several graphs on Storage Disk including the following:
Displays the number of input/output (I/O) operations completed by the disk in operations per second (IOPS).
Displays the amount of data written and read by the disk in a certain time period.
Displays the average wait time for I/O operations performed on the disk.
Displays the average disk I/O queue size in a specified time period. A large queue size can be a sign of disk congestion.
Displays the number of read/write operations that are combined or synchronized by the operating system before being sent to disk.
Displays the time spent by the disk in handling I/O operations.
Displays the size of the disk I/O queue at a given moment. Unlike the queue average, it provides an idea of ​​the size of the queue at a specific point in time.
Displays the number of I/O operations canceled or merged by the system. Aborted I/O operations typically occur when an I/O request cannot be executed by the disk and needs to be repeated or abandoned.