Create Isolated Network
Here are the steps to create an isolated type network in the Network menu:
On the Network menu page click Create Network.
In the Scope section click the Next button.
In the Network Type section select Isolated and click the Next button.
In Generalize Name, Description, CIDR Gateway, enable Shared if you need, and then click the Next button.
In Static IP Pools fill the IP range and click Add to add the next click the Next button to continue with the process.
In DNS customize your needs by setting the Primary DNS, Secondary DNS, and DNS Suffix, and clicking the Next button to continue with the process.
Create Isolated Network (f)
In Ready To Complete, click the Finnish button to continue with the configuration summary. Show notifications "Network has successfully created!"
On the Network page, the Isolated-type network is already available in the List of Networks table.
Last updated