Create CDN
Following are the steps for creating a CDN on the Cloudeka Portal Service.
On the Manage Module click the CDN Menu.
The CDN Menu page appears, then click Create CDN.
Fill in the fields provided on the Create CDN page.
The name of the website address used.
There are 3 options: a. TKP is located in the Banten area. b. TBS is located in the Jakarta area. c. JAH is located in the Purwakarta area.
There are 2 options among them: a. Port 443 is used for HTTPS websites. b. Port 80 is used for HTTP websites.
Billing Type
The type of payment used in the project.
On the Domain column fill in the domain name
On the Location column checklist TKP.
On the Port column check the HTTPS port 443.
On column Billing Type select payment type Fixed.
After filling out all the forms, click the Create CDN button.
Show notification Creating the CDN that the CDN creation process is in progress, wait for the notification to change to CDN [nama domain] has been successfully created!.